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About Us

Vision for Alternative Development (VALD) is a non-governmental organisation registered with the Registrar Generals Department of the Republic of Ghana.

The main goal of VALD is to promote alternative initiatives and support development at all levels of the society by advocating for tobacco-free and road safety in Ghana.

VALD also strengthens tobacco control at the local level in Ghana to improve health and reduce poverty.

1.  To advocate and sensitize on tobacco and alcohol control and prevention, drug abuse, and Non-Communicable Diseases

2.  To promote health and wellbeing

3.  To build, strengthen capacity and sensitize stakeholders and the public on road safety, harm prevention, and climate issues

4.  To advocate and support community participation in governance and development

5.  To advocate for cultural diversity, and peacebuilding in a sustainable environment.

6.  To hold the government accountable and to prevent corporations from interfering in public/health policies and developmental issues


 “to promote and support development at all levels of society”

We envision a healthy Ghana through health promotion and sustainable development

VALD is officially registered with the:

Registrar Generals Department (RGD), Republic of Ghana
* Certificate of Incorporation and to Commence Business

Department of Social Welfare (DSW), Republic of Ghana
* Certificate of Recognition (NGO)

National Youth Council (NYC), Republic of Ghana
* Certificate of Registration

Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA)
* Certificate of Registration of NGO